Baudet-Rob robot is born from collaboration between IRSTEA, Science Research Institute and Technology for Environment and Agriculture of Clermond-Ferrand, Pascal Institute and Effidence. DGA helped to develop ROB2. It follows the soldier with his package. http://hightech.bfmtv.com/produit/l-equipement-high-tech-au-service-du-soldat-du-futur-984618.html
Doc-Ing MV4 mine clearance
Dragon Runner of Qinetics, https://www.qinetiq-na.com/products/unmanned-systems/dragon-runner/
ECA robots from ECA Robotics, La Garde, subsidiary of ECA Group.
IRIS, Individual Robotic Intelligence System of Roboteam. http://www.robo-team.com/products/systems
Milrem Unmanned Ground Vehicle : Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS), from Estonia.
MTGR, Micro Tactical Ground Robot, of Roboteam
PROBOT, Professional Robot, logistic carrier of Roboteam. http://www.robo-team.com/products/Systems/probot