Hybrid vehicle, unmanned, 2018, entered into competition at the third land-based unmanned system competition “Crossing Obstacles 2018” at Beijing. This very interesting vehicle is fitted with 4 Tri-Star-wheels (like Terrastar in the 60s) surrounded by tracks which was never seen on an off-road vehicle. Wheels and Tri-Star wheels are mounted on 4 pendulums. This concept appears very new. Chassis is rigid. At equivalent size, is it better than an articulated tracked vehicle for crossing obstacles ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
Hybrid vehicle, unmanned, 2018, demonstrating its self-leveling capabilities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
Longma Articulated 8x8 robot, unmanned. Articulated chassis with positive pitch control is not new (see Metrac of Meili 6x6, 1958) but never used for series built vehicles except Gama Goat (without hydraulics and positive pitch control) and Goer witch was an articulated 4x4 in the 60s. It was found that price was higher, load space and payload reduced. Only tracked vehicles like Volvo BV 202, Hägglünds BV 206 and now several Russian articulated tracked vehicles were or are fitted with positive pitch control. Nevertheless, this articulated 8x8 presented at “Crossing Obstacles 2018”near Beijing is new (8x8 articulated) and very exciting to enhance land mobility. It must be tested and it could be interesting if it could be series built. Land-based unmanned system competition 'Crossing Obstacles 2018' on Sep. 10, 2018 involved 136 participating teams from 61 units, including 14 military and civilian colleges and universities, 26 private companies, 10 state-owned companies, and 11 research institutes, which contains most of the elite research teams of land unmanned systems in China near Beijing.
The competition included 10 competition events of 4 categories, such as autonomous maneuvers and reconnaissance in the field, transportation of unmanned systems. Many very new locomotion systems were presented and that's good for off-road locomotion. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fr&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fhk.on.cc%2Fcn%2Fbkn%2Fcnt%2Fnews%2F20170121%2Fbkncn-20170121094220412-0121_05011_001.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
Longma Articulated 8x8 robot, unmanned at 'Crossing Obstacles 2018.
Tracked wheeled robot. Six wheels with pendulum tracks, hydraulic powered arms are very innovative at 'Crossing Obstacles 2018'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
6x6 Robot, https://www.armyrecognition.com/airshow_china_2018_zhuhai_news_show_daily_coverage/airshow_china_2018_new_dragon_horse_ii_
Tri-Star-Wheel Robot. Unlike the Terrastar of the 60s with skid steering, this one is fitted with Ackermann Steering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
8x8 robot from 'Crossing Obstacles 2018'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2bcSsloaDA
8x8 robot from 'Crossing Obstacles 2018'. It is fitted with hydraulically actuated arms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2bcSsloaDA
8x8 robot at 'Crossing Obstacles 2018'. Four articulated hydraulically actuated arms are fitted front and rear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
4x4 robot at 'Crossing Obstacles 2018'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
4x4 robot with a track below witch is a wheel-cum-track. Two little wheels help for crossing. From 'Crossing Obstacles 2018', https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
6x6 robot at 'Crossing Obstacles 2018'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk
6x6 UGV. Left : China North Industries Corporation (Norinco), http://www.thefifthcolumn.xyz/Forum/viewthread.php?tid=35&page=5, right : from 'Crossing Obstacles 2018' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzkOpN0ftk