Agrotron X720 of Deutz-Fahr. Picture from J M M at Euroforest, St Bonnet-de-Joux, 2018 06 21. http://www.deutz-fahr.com/fr-za/produits/tracteurs/895-agrotron-x
Barc 60 Amphibian of the 60s. Pict from the review 'Charge Utile' in the 90s. http://www.curbsideclassic.com/blog/trucks-and-heavy-equipment/museum-classic-barc-3-x-amphibious-cargo-vehicle/ Amphibious Vehicles of the 60s (532.75 Ko)
County FC 1004FC, late 60s. From review 'Tracteur Retro', July 2011.
D'Avino D12 dumper. Picture J M M at Intermat, Villepinte, 26 Apr 2018. http://www.davinosrl.it/news_detail.html?id=4
Hanomag D18C bulldozer, 1970. Picture J M M at Locomotion en Fête, Melun-Villaroche, 2018 06 09. https://autoline-eu.fr/-/bulldozers/HANOMAG-D18C--18020113400564194300
Horsh sprayer PT 270. From review 'Passion et Collections', Jan-Feb 2012.
Konrad Highlander. Picture from J M M at Euroforest, St Bonnet-de-Joux, 2018 06 21. https://www.forsttechnik.at/fr/produits/highlander.html
LVH-X1 amphibious vehicle, 1963, for US Marine Corps. Designed and built by AVCO Lycoming, it was equipped with a1225 hp Lycoming TF1460BIA gas turbine, could travel at speed of 64 km/h on land and 67 km/h in water on its hydrofoils. Payload 4,53 metric tons. The 2 pictures above show it today at Barstow Museum. https://www.snafu-solomon.com/2016/04/obscure-experimental-military-vehicles.html, http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/more-documentation/4x4-wheeled-rigid-vehicles-heavy.html#page4
LVH-X1 Amphibious Vehicle, 1963. Landing Vehicle, Hydrofoil developed by Lycoming Division under contract with the Bureau of Ships for the US Marine Corps. Archives J M M from Lycoming.
LVH-X2 amphibious vehicle, second prototype built for the Marines in 1963 by Food Machinery Corporation of San Jose, CA. A Solar T1000-S27 turbine engine of 1040 hp allowed LVT-X2 to reach 64 km/h on land and water on its hydrofoils which were retractable, as also the wheels. Test in San Francisco bay were successful but no vehicles were purchased due to high price. This prototype stays now in Barstow. https://www.snafu-solomon.com/2016/04/obscure-experimental-military-vehicles.html, http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/more-documentation/4x4-wheeled-rigid-vehicles-heavy.html#page4, http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2012/07/history-of-hydrofoils.html, http://zonwar.ru/news3/news_413_LVHX-2.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5X2JAD_xdM
LVW-X1 amphibious vehicle. LVW-X1, was built from 1958 to 1962 by Chrysler and Borg-Warner Ingersoll Kalamazoo Division for the US Marine Corps. The hull was of aluminum and wheels could pivot up to 180° to be out of the way for water operations. A Lycoming TF 2036 turbine engine of 1500 hp drove the LVW-X1 through an electric generator at 56 km/h on land and water. Mass 4 T, length 11 m. Below are pictures of LVW-X1 nowadays at Barstow. https://flot.com/publications/books/shelf/landing/4.htm, http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/more-documentation/4x4-wheeled-rigid-vehicles-heavy.html#page4,
Marsh Buggy, 1937. Popular Science, Marsh 1937. Marsh buggy 1937 (332.56 Ko)
Mecalac 6MDXa dumper. Picture J M M at Intermat, Villepinte, 26 Apr 2018. https://www.mecalac.com/fr/actualites-et-presse/dumpers-cabine-mdx.html
MRS tractor A100, 1975. From review 'Classic Plant and Machinery', Aug 2008, MRS Tractors (309.62 Ko)
Pusher designed by C.W. Jones Engineering Co. and built by Intercontinental Engineering Manufacturing Corporation, Kansas City, Minnesota in 1963. Used by Western Contracting of Sioux City, Iowa, it was a very big machine of 153 tons, length 14 m, GM engine of 1600 hp, Pictures from 'Revue des Engins' of Francis Pierre, Aipethoac, Dec 2017.