2x2 motorcycle from off-road exhibition at Crocus, Moscow. http://www.moto2x2.com/en/news/fotografii-s-vystavki-vezdekhod-2014/
2WD Vasyugan motorcycle, 2015, from Novosibirsk. Here, tires are replaced by Tubes reinforced plastic strips. http://sinus.vl.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=38373
2WD Vasyugan motorcycle, from Novosibirsk, 2015. Payload 150 kg. Speed 43 km/h, trailer up to 2 T, http://guns.allzip.org/topic/160/1315123.html, http://forums.drom.ru/novosibirsk/t1152069379.html, http://sinus.vl.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=38373
2x2 motorcycle, high ground clearance, http://www.lunohodov.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=129650,
2x2 Motorcycles. Upper, Vasyugan, lower, Russich. http://pikabu.ru/story/2x2_ili_mototsiklyi_s_polnyim_privodom_4354619
Siberia 2x2, http://forum.guns.ru/forum_light_message/160/1281281.html
Corel motorcycle 2x2, 2007, with low pressure tires made of a tube with crossbars. It seems it is rather difficult to drive and some put skis on each side. https://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=
Goblin 2H2M 2x2 motorcycle, http://lunohodov.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=384346
Karakat 3x2 is a kind of very simple and cheap vehicle, often hand-made (no brand), with 3 wheels fitted with tubes held by rings. The engine is that of a motorcycle Izsak" or "Oural" and the fork comes also from a motorcycle. This vehicle is very handy but the main advantage is its off-road capabilities in snow, mud, swamps even rivers. It floats but is not very stable and carries100 kg of luggage. This type of vehicle comes from North, along sea and needs much space, so one meets them in campains. Enormous tires are ecologic for vegetation and grounds and they are not registeredhttps://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=ru&u=http://www.motoclub.spb.ru/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ft%3D1366%26sid%3Dc
72d3e9d94a8e1f41e39059e3888919f&prev=search, http://xn--80aaa1bc8ar6e.xn--p1ai/самодельный-каракат-с-двигателем-урал, http://xn--80aaa1bc8ar6e.xn--p1ai/трехколесные_каракаты/,http://lunohodov.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16266
Messenger 2x2 motorcycle, hand-made in 2011. http://lunohodov.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8899&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=