Ambler walking robot, 1988-91, of J Bares & W 'Red' Whittaker of Carnegie Mellon University and Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It a large robot of 2500 kg able to walk slowly on rocks. http://cyberneticzoo.com/walking-machines/1988-91-ambler-john-bares-william-red-whittaker-american/
Comet III robot, 2002, from Prof. Kenzo Nonami of Chiba University, Japan, and used for detecting mines. Electric powered, it was driven by hydraulic legs. A crawler is added and it weighs 900 kg. http://photos1.blogger.com/img/93/1072/640/DSC_0032.jpg
Comet IV Robot, 2005-2011, from Nanomi Laboratory, Japan, driven by 6 hydraulic legs powered by 2 gasoline engines. It is intended to be 'all terrain' and can go up a 60cm step or slopes. Nevertheless, it is very slow. http://mec2.tm.chiba-u.jp/~nonami/english/research/comet/home.html
Iron Mule Train, 1961, drawing by Frank Tinsley. http://cyberneticzoo.com/walking-machines/1961-iron-mule-train-concept-frank-tinsley-american/
John T Tucker Amphibian Barge, walking vehicle, 1947. http://cyberneticzoo.com/walking-machines/1947-walking-amphibious-barge-john-t-tucker-american/
Jumping Sumo Parrot Mini-Drone is on sales for 140 €. This drone jumps over obstacles thanks to springs and is really off-road. Parrot, based in Paris, was created in 1994 by 3 associates whose Henri Seydoux of the well-known family owning Schlumberger Limited, company of oil industry and Compagnie Générale de Géophysique, CGG. About 650 people work in Parrot. http://www.parrot.com/fr/produits/minidrones/; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_8MtJ6WujI
R-Crank robot to be used by a 4 wheels skid steering vehicle. The principle is the same as a walking dragline. Research by HiBot of Hirose and Suzumori Lab, Tokyo Institute of Technology. http://www-robot.mes.titech.ac.jp/research.html;https://www.facebook.com/HiBotCo/photos/a.140913409280836.15507.140910195947824/659614540744051/?type=3&theater