Jeep CJ3 Hydro-pneumatic, proto 1989, from Street and Mud, Switzerland, with active suspension. http://www.streetandmud.com/JeppHydropneumatique.php
Street and Mud Jeep CJ3 Hydro-pneumatic. Here is the suspension. http://www.streetandmud.com/JeppHydropneumatique.php
Slope tractor. http://vk.com/special_technology?z=photo-27422123_352998011%2Fwall-27422123_5812
WTF Off-road Spider Thingy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GugdJc-O7I
Harper ATM 162 slope mover mowing grass. Designed for slopes up to 34° by swing axle. Automatic self leveling system keeps the cab upright on slopes. 99 hp. Harper Industries INC, Kansas. http://harperturfequipment.com/slope-mowers/atm162/ ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIxcIalgwok