In the 30's of the 20th century all the research and design efforts in the Soviet Union aimed at the development of special tracked machinery for the Red Army.
After the Second World War a snowmobile design laboratory was founded under the name 'Gorky Industrial Institute' (later the 'Gorky Technological Institute') which was engaged in designing of tracked carriers for the oil research and the Soviet Army. See : http://www.unusuallocomotion.com/pages/more-documentation/21-two-tracks-rigid-vehicles-medium.html
In the 80's a special design engineering department of transportation vehicles and technological machines was established at the Gorky Technological Institute. It was created under the order of the USSR Ministry of Petroleum Industry to develop up-to-date user-friendly reliable tracked equipment for the exploration of the Extreme North, Siberia and Far East areas. Veselov B. Nickolas was appointed as its Chief Designer and Director.
Closed Joint-Stock Company “TRANSPORT” was established in 1990 in Nizhny Novgorod (former Gorki) under the direction of Mr. Veselov, PhD in Technology. It was founded on the base of former Soviet tracked cross-country vehicle school.
Nowadays CJSC “Transport” (see picture of building) designs and produces all-terrain vehicles for the transportation of loads and technical specialists for the performance of accident recovery works in difficult climatic conditions including deep snow, drifting sand, marshlands and open water bodies.
The main thing to know about these machines is that they are all amphibious. All of these vehicles are able to enter river or lake without any preparations.
The Company products consist of seven model ranges and 42 versions. They are successfully operated by large companies of the fuel and energy industry, by geologists, by the Ministry of Emergencies for provision of national frontiers security.
TTM-1901 'Berkut' Snowmobile with skis at front and 500 mm tracks at rear. Payload 300 kg, 2 passengers, empty mass 900 kg, 60 km/h, ground prssure 0,06 kg/cm². The cab is heated and confortable.
LTM 'Forester', harvester for forest work. The chassis comes from Hitachi, Japan and harvester head from 'Lako Forest', Finland. Three versions exist. http://nzttm.ip-center.ru/production/harvester/?ItemID=393
TTM-3 Taiga Light tracked vehicle for snow and marsh of Taiga familly represent the modern design of models with improved towing and operational parameters.
Enhanced tracks with elastic wideners increase considerably the serviceable life of a vehicle. Rubber-faced track or polyurethane-coated track link rail prevents from icing and snow clogging and reduces noise and power losses.
Ground prssure 0,17 kg/cm², 3 t payload, 54 km/h. Cummins engine of 185 hp.
TTM-3 in water.
Taiga familly is designed to transport repair teams, technical personnel, to perform accident recovery works, to transport different loads in difficult climatic conditions.
It is operated on low-bearing capacity soils including snow swamp of any snow cover depth, drifting sand, marshlands of all types and open water bodies.
TTM-3 in water. There are 13 versions of the TTM-3 :
Tracked Trailer GP-8301, unpowered, used by TTM-3 and TTM-4901. 2,5 t payload, empty mass 2900 kg, ground pressure 0,16 kg/cm². http://nzttm.ip-center.ru/production/gp2/
TTM-3902 Taiga. Payload 2000 kg, empty mass 6360 kg, 45 km/h, for 6 persons, fitted with 2 beds, 136 hp, Elastic widerners on tracks of 760 mm lower ground pressure : 0,14 kg/cm², 9 versions exists :
http://nzttm.ip-center.ru/production/ttm3902/?ItemID=236 and : http://nzttm.ip-center.ru/en/production/ttm3902/
TTM-4901 Ruslan is an articulated vehicle of 300 hp, for 24 persons, payload 4000 kg, empty mass 12650 kg, ground pressure 0,17 kg/cm², 48 km/h, It is articulated in yaw, pitch and roll and the positive pitch control allows obstacle performance. 5 versions exist.
TTM-4901 Ruslan with trailer.
Ruslan is capable to move easily over any marshlands, to climb up a bold shore, floating bogs, to overcome ditches, ravines and any other cross-country terrains.
Three hydraulic cylinders of the swivel-towing arrangement ensure the change of an angle between the sections on horizontal and vertical planes, vehicle turn to the right-to the left and sections folding up-down when overcoming obstacles.